Thursday, February 14, 2008


Suits come in basic styles and colors but ties let you show your individuality within a formal look

If you want to make a bold statement wear a patterned tie with a patterned shirt make sure that the color schemes are the same and that the patterns go in the same direction

Finally dont forget the Length It should hit the top of your belt buckle and the deal width of ties is between 3 and 4 inches

Mens Formal Wear Combining Ties Shirts Suits

When choosing a jacketshirtandtie trio match its level of color contrast to your personal colouring

Your colouring consists of your complexion and hair color

If you are coloring is highcontrast i e dark hair and light skin or vice versayour jacket tie and shirt combo should be high contrast too But if your hairhide contrast is softer and lighter i e you are blond or grayhaired with pale skin or darkskinned with dark hairyou should go for lowercontrast clothes

Two different scales For Balance When you are combining two like patterns in the jacketshirttie triangle they should be of different gauges

If your suit has pinstripes 3 4 inch apart your tie should have significantly broader or thinner bands If your suit is a striped one with lines more than an inch apart your shirts stripes should be narrower and closer together

If you wear two different designs within the lapel trianglesay a checked shirt and a striped tie or a striped suit and repeatingmedallion tiethey should be different scales in size If your shirt has a narrow stripe your tie needs a wider stripe.If you are short look for strong vertical elements pinstriped suits twobutton jackets If you are very thin choose a jacket with wider shoulders If you have a heavier build then Wear darker colors and go monotone from top to bottom

The first thing to look for in a mans watch is a large face as these designs are generally accepted by everyone as looking stylish

Get a nice belt

Dont forget your belt you want quality a good quality belt doesnt have to be expensive and is money well spent

Your belt color should be coordinated with your footwear black with black brown with brown


Black is the traditional safe color for work but Brown or ox blood colors can also look stylish

You can also use a variety of styles including loafers wingtips roundtoe or the trendier pointytipped shoe

Shoes are no place to economize on quality For men shoes are the final detail and are one of the areas all women notice

Special attention should be paid on the line of the dress pants and its drape The line of the pants should always be following the contours of the body It will naturally flow with from the hips to the ends with a subtle taper Drape of the pants over your lower body should always be smooth no bulge or horizontal creasing especially under the waist area and thigh area

When fitting into pleated pants we should expect continuous smoothness in the drape where the pleats are not stretched when standing For plain or flat front pants the pockets should lie flat from the sides No puckering should be seen for a flat front

It should be able to accommodate the fullness of the thighs The pants have to float over your legs It must not flare like hiphop pants or hug your legs skin tight

For stout men or even heavier men with larger thighs pleated pants have more cloth around the waist and thigh areas This leads to an illusion of more weight around the abdomen and legs

Instead wearing a flat front dress pants can create a more slimming effect than pleated ones The overall mens dress pants fit therefore should compliment the built of the man as well A general guideline on the measurements of my bespoke dress pants are 31 inches waist then flowing to 21 inches around the knees and about 19 inches at the bottom The taper is so subtle that it can not be noticed visually instead a nice drape is being created This fitting criterion allows a good mens dress pants fit for most men even for the short and stout ones

When choosing a flattering dress shirt you will want to consider the shape and size of the collar the quality of the cotton and the color Fabric is important but not as important as the collar and the color Since the shirt color and the collar are close to your face you will want those aspects to be perfect because when people talk to you it is the first thing they will see

The shape and size of the collar you choose is important because it should flatter the shape of your face and the length of your neck to create balance If you have a long face and neck for example you will want to balance the length of your face by choosing a wide spread collar with shorter points. A tie clip is a small piece of men's jewelry used to keep a necktie attached to the underlying dress shirt. Tie clips are usually spring-loaded on one end to provide tension and slide horizontally across the tie for security. The front of a tie clip can be plain or decorated with small precious or semi-precious stones. Some tie clips are custom-designed to feature a company or club's logo, or a representation of other objects of interest to the wearer.

Tie clips should not be confused with other fasteners such as tie pins or tie clasps. Tie pins have a pin and backing design much like an earring, along with a chain and stem which are placed through the buttonhole of a dress shirt for anchoring. Tie pins must penetrate the fabric of the tie in order to keep it securely fastened. Over time this penetration can cause damage to the often expensive materials used in ties. Tie clips slide through both shirt and tie without penetration. The tension of the spring clip is usually light enough to prevent damage to the fabric.

Tie clips serve a very important function as well as being decorative. Men's ties are intended to cover the buttons of the dress shirt and provide a line of contrast and interest. Fashion experts often suggest that a properly selected tie conveys the wearer's personality. Unfortunately, the most expensive silk tie in the world cannot compete with wind and gravity. Ties can be blown out of place with a quick gust of air, and an unsecured tie can find its way into a paper shredder or other machine. A tie clip placed approximately two-thirds of the way down the front of a necktie can keep it secured through most situations.

In recent years, decorative tie clips have become popular gift ideas for shoppers on a budget. There is usually a wide variety of styles available and one size does indeed fit all ties. Owners of several neckties should also invest in functional tie clips for everyday occasions and several higher-end clips for formal events. Many times, tie clips are bundled with matching cufflinks.

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